Introduction of Microservices and some Advantages


1 min read

Introduction of Microservices and some Advantages


Microservices is an architectural style that is used to design a light weight services they help us in creating and deploy services independently .

Microservices each process runs independently this helps in making it lightweight and also when we do changes in one service it does not affect the other services.



The Microservices are used in small well defined module .This helps us to use one microservice as building block of another Microservice .

2.Easy Deployment

The microservices are independent of each other and this feature helps our deployment easy as we can deploy and rollback again easily if something does not work or we need some changes.

3.Can use many technologies

Diverse set of technologies can be used which best fits the team .


Services can be scaled independently, allowing you to scale out subsystems that need more resources without scaling out the entire application.